Tips & More

Vegan Bath & Body Products

Did you know many bar soaps contain animal by-products from slaughterhouses?

Not only do these by-products find their way into bar soaps, but they're also in many of the beauty products and cosmetics you apply daily.

Animal by-products are not always easy to identify with names like tallow, sodium tallowate, stearic acid, and lard, to name a few. And let's face it, when was the last time you read the ingredient list on your bar soap or mascara, anyway?

To ensure your bath and body products are vegan, they should be...

Guard Your Chocolate!

Dogs love the smell and taste of chocolate and are great at sniffing it out!

Unfortunately, it's highly toxic to dogs and cats alike and should be kept in a place safe from both (think refrigerator or closed cabinet).

Although cats are much less likely to consume chocolate as they're not usually...

All About Legumes

Legumes are a class of vegetables that bear their fruit in pods. They are incredibly healthy foods essential for maintaining a healthy plant-based diet.

Legumes are among the most versatile and nutritious foods available.

They are typically low in fat, contain no cholesterol, and are high in folate, potassium, iron, and magnesium.

Legumes are also an excellent source of...

Egg Substitutes

If you're a vegan, chances are you've had to substitute an egg a time or two.

And if you're looking to avoid eggs for other reasons, that's okay too!

It's not as hard to avoid eating eggs as one might think.

However, egg replacers can vary, depending on what you make. For example; an egg substitute for a baking recipe might not work so well for your Country Scramble, and vise-versa.

So let's get down to it. Your recipe calls for an egg. What to do, what to do?

Where do vegans get their protein?

If you're a vegan or thinking of going vegan, and you've shared it with ANYONE on the planet, you've most likely been asked the question "Where do you get your protein?"

People are often taught to believe the only way to get enough protein in their diet is by eating animals and their byproducts, but that isn't true.

If you're eating sensibly, you will consume a good amount of protein.

Arming yourself with the knowledge of where to find plant-based protein is the first step in...

Know Your Vegetables

When you trace the word "vegetable" to its roots, you find "active," "lively," "vigorous," and "strong."

Vegetables are in a class of their own. They're one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet.

It's not only healthy and intelligent to make them the star of your dish; it's delicious as well.

Read on to get information on everything from artichokes to winter squash. Plus, learn how to buy, store, and prepare your vegetables and the nutritional benefits of each.

Fruits and Vegetables: What and When?

Fruits and vegetables are available at different times, depending on where you live. Still, the following links can give you an idea of the products available from your farmer's market, the local grocer, or your CSA (Community Supported Agriculture organization).

Over-Ripe Bananas

Over-ripe bananas are perfect for banana bread. And they're ideal for freezing for later use in smoothies, shakes, and even ice cream.

Preparing them for the freezer is easy; remove the peel, cut the banana into 2-inch pieces, then place them in a quart-size freezer bag. Remove as much air as possible before sealing it to avoid freezer burn, then pop them into the freezer.

Use the frozen banana to flavor a smoothie, or make a delicious banana milkshake. You can even make banana ice cream using nothing but the frozen banana and your food processor! Try it. It's amazing!

Gluten-Free Flour Substitutes

You can swap out most, if not all, of our wheat flour recipes using the flours and methods referred to below. However, as with any recipe, tweaking it a bit to your liking is sometimes required. Play around with your recipes. Have fun with them. Do not stress over them, ever. It's simply not allowed. =)

If a recipe calls for other ingredients containing gluten, we leave it up to you to switch them out with a gluten-free product.

Read on for tips for better gluten-free baking...

Miso Paste

Miso Paste is a superfood that offers some of the same health benefits as pickles and kimchi.

Made from fermented soybeans, its flavor livens up dressings, sauces, stews, and soups, including the traditional Japanese Miso Soup. It's high in protein, vitamins, and minerals.

There are different types of miso and various colors, such as white, yellow, and red. Miso can also be made using brown rice and barley; the flavors can be amazing.

The best way to find the one you like is to experiment.