Oh My Wild Oats

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The days of eating plain old oatmeal are long gone, or at least they can be! Instead, adding a few grapes, along with sliced banana and a sprinkling of chia seeds, creates a delicious, nutritious breakfast you're sure to love!

Here's all you need:

1 cup of cooked oatmeal, cook according to package instructions
1 banana, sliced
1/2 cup seedless red (or green) grapes
1 teaspoon chia seeds
sweetener of choice (optional)

Add everything to a bowl, grab a spoon, and dig IN! This could be the BEST bowl of oatmeal your taste buds have ever encountered!

Add a sprinkling of cinnamon or any other spices you love. For a natural sweetener, try adding the juice of an orange, some real maple syrup, or even a drizzle of organic agave nectar. Whatever you have on hand, and whatever sounds most appealing.

Change things up each day by adding different fruits and berries such as strawberry, blackberry, raspberry, or, well, you get the idea!
