Sensible tips for managing your weight:
In this "super-sized" world, portion sizes have doubled and, in some cases, tripled. We've gotten so used to seeing our food super-sized that it's hard to remember what a regular-sized serving looks like. Add to that the growing need to get more for your dollar, and you've got the perfect recipe for an expanding waistline.
Choosing a plant-based diet is a significant first step to eliminating bad fats and excess calories.
Here are a few tips to help you shed even more unwanted pounds!
- Eat only until you have satisfied your hunger, not until you feel completely full or stuffed. Wrap up any leftovers for an afternoon snack or next-day meal.
- Eat slower and take smaller bites; slowing down will give your stomach time to relay to your brain that it's receiving food. Also, chew your food completely before swallowing - this will help with the digestion process, and your metabolism will also get a boost.
- If you are serving yourself, dish up only half of what you normally would. - Before you go in for seconds, ask yourself if you are satisfied. If you are, then pass on the seconds.
- Remember that old saying, "You can't leave the table until you've cleaned your plate?" Well forget about it. Leave the table - that's what food storage containers are for!
- When dining out, ask your server if they have a "light" menu. Or, ask if you can order "half" an entree. You can also ask your server to place half of your meal into a to-go container before they bring it out to you.
- Eat fresh veggies, fresh fruit, dried fruit, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds, and forego highly processed foods as often as possible. When the food you put into your body is too complicated, e.g., overly processed, and your body can't figure out its components, those components get stored as fat, leading to many unwanted pounds. Think of whole foods when planning your meals, and always carry healthy whole-food snacks with you! Keep a small container of dried fruit and nuts in your car, desk, and handbag so you're always ready with a healthful snack when hunger strikes.
- Drink water - lots of water! Drinking half of your weight in ounces of water daily is the goal! Thirst can often be mistaken for hunger, so when hunger strikes, drink a glass of water and see if you're still hungry. Drinking three to four ounces of water before each meal or snack can help you reach your weight-loss goal. The water will not only fill a portion of your stomach, but it will also help expand and break down the fiber in your stomach, giving you a fuller feeling longer.
- Move your body - It doesn't matter if you go to a gym, run a half marathon, or sit in a chair and pretend to march while flapping your arms like a bird. Move your body for 30 minutes each day. Pick a time and commit to it. If 30 seems like a lot to you, then start with 20. But move. Your. Body. Start today!
- Last but not least, don't do the guilt thing. We all hit rough patches; it's completely normal. Tomorrow is another day. Be kind to yourself. And remember -- you are unique and beautiful in the body God gave you.
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